Britian is having a terrible time with their Muslims. The Muslims want their own neighborhoods with Sharia law and are setting up groups to police the areas. Women not dressed in a burka are asked to leave the location.
If the USA doesn't change its policies toward Islam we are in for real trouble.
Some of the European nations are beginning to deport Muslims and limit their rights.
If you have Sweden and it becomes 40% Muslim, then you don't have Sweden anymore. Their way of life is gone. The same is true for France and England. Send Muslims back to their country. There is nothing good is Islam. All Muslims will want to push Sharia law as soon as enough of them are present, because that is written in the Koran.
What do you really know about Britain, England, Sweden and France, all the places you mention and were are you getting your information from about Muslims in these countries?
Can't decide if YouTube is slightly better or slightly worse than Faux News.
Try talking to people who actually LIVE in these countries (there are some on the boards here, you know). This is just more brilliant shenanigans from the right wing "cultural warriors" who want to fight back on the "War on Christmas"
First, Sharia law would be the white version of alt-right, it’s the crazy conspiracy theory shit that twists thier so-called holy book. Most Muslims don’t live that way. Stop watching YouTube, I don’t even let my kids watch that crap.
I’d take a Muslim neighbor any day over this gun happy JAG I have.
In summary, they are doing what Christians have always done.
This kind of tribalism is prevalent all through America. Many blacks choose to live in all black neighborhoods, so do rich people and of course poor people live where ever they can. I'm not sure I would live in a society of atheist because believers have this tendency to be gullible and stupid almost childlike it has its good and bad. The muslim question is another thing! Until they become a problem I don't think anything can be done. I live in Utah and the mormons run just about everything.I see many similarities with islam.Once a majority is reached they use that power to project their views on normal people. Mormons now don't murder non-mormons for religous reasons anymore . I don't know why muslims have went crazy. I think Isreal and the Palenstians have been the genisis of this current situation. Europe and especially Spain had to deal with this problem with islam in the 14th and 15th century. Their solution was expulsion or rejecting their beliefs in favor of the dominant religion at the time. Also we can't forget about the crusades and Croatia and their ethnic cleansing. It will be interesting to see what happens,of I'm so old I won't be around to see how it turns out!
Muslims tend to have more children and larger families than western society. I think they want to gradually take over by increasing population. This idea comes from Islamic religion, maybe not directly from the Koran, but from Islamic leaders.
If killing in the name of Allah is acceptable, then I would think lying in the name of Allah is also acceptable.
Our world is in a position of having to decide if any number of people from other countries must be allowed into any other country. Any country that allows in too many foreigners loses its own identity. I guess it is the right of every human to migrate to a better country. I dunno. We are seeing several European countries, as well as the USA starting to limit the number of refugees allowed in. Germany has allowed 2,000,000 refuges into Germany. That is putting a terrible strain on the social welfare. These refugees basically cannot work because they don't speak German.
I am no fan of any religion, but this is Fox news propaganda. They have been repeatedly made to retract and apologize for this nonsense, yet they keep pushing this shit. There are not sharia neighborhoods in England.
I agree with you, there is a lot of misinformation. That being said, I lived in Europe few years and I had to deal with muslims taking over the country, terrorizing people on the bus or trains, mostly kids that thought they were having fun by taking advantage of good mild people (Belgium). This is way before our current state of events world wide. There was at the time a prominent politician in the Netherlands that dared to take action against the force that was taking over his country, he was gunned down and killed at daylight going into a public building. The country was shocked they had never seen anything like that. Unfortunately, we have not learn enough from all that. "Refugees" keep getting spread only to infiltrate more and more for as deep as we will let them and they know damn well they can take advantage of political correctness and use it against us. This will have to be addressed
There are in the USA. However, England does have its share of Muslim terrorists. Look on Youtube for a better picture.
I'm not saying there aren't assimilation issues with Muslim immigrants. I'm saying that the claims of "Sharia neighborhoods" in the USA, Canada, England or France (I would assume also Belgium, but will defer to a person much more knowledgeable on that specific country) are patently false.
Which country should we send them to? Lots of middle Eastern Countries are.