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Do you agree that we should have a Atheist Political Party?

Marcus_Angelus 6 Jan 26

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NO, We do not need a tag as we currently use. God is not part of a presidency, We need to present our self as who we are and what we care about, call us the Freedom party but do not tag us. The religious segment will hold a judgement alone by the name.

EMC2 Level 8 Jan 26, 2018

We tried this already with the National Atheist Party (NAP). Though we had members in all 50 states, we eventually closed the doors because on infighting. Atheists are not of one political mind, Liberal and Libertarian, Conservative and Right-wing Right-wingers. Our leadership also took the position of "our way or the highway" (IMHO) which was problematic.

It was also a loosely knit group with no coordination between state committees and the national office (which was one person). A political party needs to have a strong central leadership to survive. It also needs a clear political message that can be written in a few paragraphs, not a manifesto.



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