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Guy Fawkes on a soap box. A response to another fundraising email from the DNC. It's not proofread or eloquent but here ya go. Interested in the less predictable responses.

I can’t stand the right. The religious right, really. I fucking hate Donald Trump. But…

This cult of identity … “our” … party is whipping up is just as repulsive. I’ve knocked on doors for my last state governor’s election. I phone banked and recruited others to bank for Bernie. I volunteer in the Detroit public schools (Who need a half billion dollars RIGHT NOW to get their school buildings a PASSING grade). I’ve donated a measly hundred bucks (not measly to me) to the party this year. I speak out for democrats when the right wing media machine implies they’re monsters and talk with conservatives, often bringing them around. I’m an ally living in a black city and the only person on the planet I would kill for is my little sister.

But I’m a 33 year old white man. Kavanaugh and Franken will cost you. Maybe not much, but as of now I will not advocate for this party.

I’ve had a man hit on me at bars and left because of them. I’ve had another guy whip his privates out and offer to blow me. I’ve been intimidated, bullied, lied to and taken advantage of. I’ve been assaulted and had those in power use it against me. That is to say, I’ve lived with men around.

I’ve had a woman ghost me after I bought her dinner, (again with coffee) and then brag about the free meal. I’ve had a woman who I’d spoken with for weeks suddenly decide I was being disrespectful and report what I thought was a harmless joke at work. I had to have my director and divisional vice president give me a lashing without even regarding my side of the story (or hearing it) at all. My brother had the police slice up a new mattress because he left with girl A and girl B said she was raped out of spite. Nothing happened to her at all. I’ve had a girl spread the rumor I was gay because I missed that she wanted me to kiss her at a moment i should have capitalized on. I’ve been called a creep because I thought a girl wanted me to kiss her when she didn’t. I was described as "Rapey" at the coffeehouse i frequented. I’ve seen my Dad’s business ruined because my Mother cheated on him. That is to say, I’ve lived with women around.

But I got on with my life. I’m friends with the guy who whipped his dick out, now. My parents and I talk sometimes. My brother was let back in the house. I still have my job. I was taught if you have a problem you walked away from, you didn’t really have a problem. You had a chance to learn. I’ve even supported this party with hesitation because I believe it does more harm then good. I sacrificed and worked hard for what little I have and I've shot myself in the foot with it for the sake of fighting the right. That is to say, I’ve lived with strong people around.

You see where I’m going with this. I will not support the coddling of weak, fragile people at the cost of actual human beings with complexity who make mistakes and have the capacity to change. I can’t stand “Originalism” because it’s hypocritical and rather idiotic, but Kavanaugh does not deserve to be attacked in what CLEARLY is a purely political bludgeon. How dare you use Dr. Ford as you have. I oppose his nomination but I more fervently oppose giving this twitter lynch mob an iota of credibility. The worlds tough. Get over it. Dr. Ford did. I did. Whoever you are – I bet you’ve had some bad stories too. But even a rape victim who’s also 1 legged black lesbian transgender blind person has profoundly unfathomable privilege if they are born in The United States. Our system is imperfect but it is the best available. This bullshit threatens that just as much as a conservative court, or more.

In sum, Twitter people aren’t people. They’re Guy Fawkes masks on soap boxes. If they are all this party plays to then I’ll be shorting for my first republican in short order. Put a half billion into Detroit’s schools so the country is slightly less visibly racist. FIGHT FOR UNIONS, NOT MY BOSS. Take welfare from the banks! Then people will believe you’re on their side.

I’m happy more women are running for office. Perhaps the hysteria surrounding #metoo is a reflection of their lack of power. But I can’t make them run. I refuse to have the system razed because it’s not fair, either.

Man up, chicks. You’re embarrassing yourselves and what I used to claim as my party.

Patrick313 4 Sep 23

Enjoy being online again!

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