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Many have given thoughts on the tax exempt status of churches. Share your thoughts here.


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ThisGuy 6 Sep 25

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Religion is a business. It is the responsibility of our government to address the needs of it's citizens.

Betty Level 8 Sep 27, 2018

Had a pastor I remember who preached against "worldly" desires, several times called out the trend of 3-car garages. How "back in the day" you had a 1-car garage. This wasn't enough, so the 2-car garage became the norm. Then, for all "the toys" (boat / motorcycle / etc) everybody wants the 3-car garage. When's it ever gonna be enough blah blah blah..

Found out later he made $80-grand at the with tax exempt "housing stipend" (in a small-ish MN town with pretty low cost of living).

And he had a 3-car garage.


My first thought was to tax them as a corporation. But there are a few churches out there that do good work for the public and those less fortunate. They should be given tax exempt status for that work!


This is an issue more people should be thinking and voting about!

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