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SCOTUS Here is possibly a bit if hope ... and please keep in mind this is MY analysis of what may be happening...
The vote for the confirmation of Kavanaugh was supposed to be at 9:30am EST has been moved to later this explanation why...just moved to a later time.
If I am reading this correctly...THE REPUBLICANS DO NOT HAVE THE REQUIRED they need more time to rally around the holdouts and down votes ? Maybe all the noise everyone is making has had an effect. With Midterms rapidly approaching, and Reelection weighing heavily on their minds ... I am thinking they know they have to make a choice...either follow their constituents wishes and have a possible shot at another term, or go down with what they now know is a sinking ship.
IF ... I am right ... I think the next announcement will be they are going to "take the weekend to be fair to the American People) ... Which says to me they don't have the up votes they need and they want more time (and you just KNOW Private Pee Pee tape has to be Pissed as all hell.
I hope I am right...this would be a really good shot across the bow.

Opinions folks...lets have them...Namaste

phoenixone1 8 Sep 28

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So far they are on script BUT the battle rages on...they voted to move it out of committee to get ready to slam the vote after the 7 day FBI investigation...Kavanaugh kind of shot himself in the foot with his "Diary" as it ironically places him and two others at the same party that the victim so clearly name...oops...add to that his constant references to the fact he really likes his beer...his
classmates at Yale are painting him as a something of a heavy drinker...his Diary reinforces the drinking habits as does his Yearbook...his whole persona was one of arrogance and deception...he cannot seem to answer truthfully when asked very specific and direct questions(and my take is he won't because he knows if he does he will expose his true agenda...I.e. Flip Roe v Wade and give Orangeass a free pass if impeached).
If the women and men can keep up the pressure I believe this nominee can be booted...but the pressure has to be direct...too many Rebublibrats are in dire straits come November...that is where the leverage will be most effective...
Hopefully the FBI can find enough to throw him into fire.

Thoughts ?


I'm sure you're right. It's all just practical tactics to get the result they want. What we have learned is that the Republicans are now only care about getting the results they want - whatever the cost. In my view the cost of the current course is very high. All good principles of morals are being eroded. The US is loosing respect and credibility all over the world because of this and the narcisisstic showmanship of the president. Except for a minority of US voters who successfully used the semi-democratic US election system to get Mr. Trump into office - nobody in the whole world wants the current president to continue and even less be reelected.

Stig Level 5 Sep 29, 2018

I called both my Senators - they are Dems - but I requested they do all they can to talk some sense into the gop members they think MIGHT be swayed by Ford's testimony, the woman Avenatti is representing and the third woman willing to talk about Kavanaugh.
I hope there is the kind of push back we saw for the healthcare mess.


I agree... The delay means they don't have the votes. Unfortunately... Manchin is calling his constituency now to check in. With Trump going there tomorrow.... Who knows what will happen. But Manchin is running a close race and may buck this vote to get re-elected.

I'd like to think there would be more NO votes than we expect.... We'll see!

Hope springs eternal.

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