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How is it that the only evidence of God is in books written by men in secluded places and claim they are legitimate just because they say they are...

Mangoes 5 Oct 20

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Written by MEN in a foreign language, translated 100 ' s if not 100 ' of times. Proof? I don't think so.


It is a fabrication of man used to control people.


I was once arguing with a fundamentalist who was going on and on about how he KNEW what God is up to and that I knew nothing about God.

I told him that I know what form God takes and he knows nothing. I said that the force that created and maintains the universe is a giant spider living high in the treetops in the woods behind my house. The spider has a massive web that is tuned to the forces of the universe.

The fundamentalist agreed to disagree.......He didn't bother telling me that I was wrong about the huge spider.


God appears in a book in a time when the majority of the population could not read. Everything was a great mystery and books were magical sacred things that the common person did not own or understand. Now that we can read this book of really bad fairy tales, you think it would be updated. Shouldn't god appear on our phones and actually tell us that the world is not flat and that slavery is wrong?


Your question is of itself the very reason why atheism/agnosticism is the only rational system of thought. There is just so no other evidence of the existence of "god" than these fertile imaginations.

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