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What blessings are attached to giving to the less privileged (orphans / elderly)

Megjewel 4 Jan 28

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Actually, I've always been the less privileged and now elderly...

but, all my life, no matter what, iff someone needed help and I Could, I Did.


I think the benefits of giving to the less privileged go beyond just making the giver feel good. When we give to the "weakest" within our communities, we strengthen our communities. It is the old "only as strong as our weakest."


Seems like a good start for an English novel...


Altruism is its own reward. Just the knowledge you helped.

One of my favorite quotes fro the Outer Limits expresses it perfectly:

"The true measure of a Hero is when he gives his Life with the knowledge that those he saves will never know."


I'm not sure that blessing is the correct term, but volunteering can feel really good.

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