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When over 57% of the population has less then 7% of the elected officials as their elected representatives!



of-the-mountain 9 Sep 29

Enjoy being online again!

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Reading this I think of Prime Minister Trudeau. When his party was elected and he became PM one of the first things he said when picking his cabinet was that the ‘country is half women, my cabinet will reflect that’.


Electorical vote comes to mind. Trump lost the popular vote. Regardless of what he says.


Men like it that way?

Yes! It is time to change that completely!

@of-the-mountain, we old hombres blancos have had our way long enough; if we don't want to get with the program, we should get out of the way.

@Condor5, @of-the-mountain That's wonderfully refreshing to read and...I can't imagine how few of your peers would agree. Probably not many! But's encouraging to know you feel this way.

@LucyLoohoo I'm quite serious in that belief, btw. All one has to do is look at what we did to the Native Americans; and, forget slavery. Jeezus, how evil was that...?

@Condor5 And...don't forget the ''colonists'' who walked right in and took over India, Africa, Australia, and who-can-count all the nations in the Pacific.

@LucyLoohoo Hawaii. OMG, the fucking missionaries...

@Condor5 Sure! Those Pacific Islanders were so vulnerable....not to mention the California natives, who must've been horrified when those ''visitors'' they welcomed turned into greedy tyrants, imposing a bloody religion and slavery on them!

@LucyLoohoo we have the Spaniards to thank for much of the California and lower Americas debacles.

@Condor5 I consider them to be white males....don't you? And don't forget the VIKINGS!

@LucyLoohoo yes, I believe they are/were viewed that way.

@Condor5 And, yes, the Spaniards AND the Catholics spilled native blood with GUSTO! A lot of the gold we see in churches was once part of the Inca/Aztec culture.

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