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Been playing with the idea of buying a Zoom R24 digital recorder. Working on a podcast with two friends but also want to record my music. Anyone have experience with this DR? Pros and cons to share?

GrungeGirl90s 5 Sep 30

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I haven't done any audio or video in years, so I don't know.

I have a group on here that might be able to help?


Cool! Thanks!!


At first glance Looks like a really nice mixer. As for the internal mikes? I have no idea but the Zoom provides phantom power so you can attach a/several good microphone/s.

I would read ALL these reviews before considering purchasing.

I have found reviews are worth paying attention to: For example, after reading reviews for a Behringer active crossover for my home movie theater, I figured my chances of having issues would be minimal as in a theater, it would have a gentle life. - - in line with many reviews, I soon began to experience the (warm up) sounds others experienced - it is still working but I am not holding my breath as many have issues with reliability so yesterday I purchased another (different brand) active crossover. of all the active crossovers currently in use, the Behringer is the only active crossover that has ever given me problems.

I have found Mackie to be very reliable mixers. My personal favorite microphone is the AKG C414.

Have fun with whatever you choose to purchase.

Thanks! I have read reviews and they are mostly good. I do like the phantom power for up to four mics. That was probably one of my fav features to be honest. It also takes a large memory card too.
I use/used a Blue Yeti for vocals and I have a Sure SM57 for my guitar. That's when I was recording to my computer - long story, but not doing that again. LOL! For the AKG C414, do you use it for vocals or instruments or both? Is it a condenser type like the Yeti? A friend of mine swears by her SM58 for vocals so I'm not sure about the AKG C414.

@GrungeGirl90s I've never been a fan of the sm58 (yes, they are THE standard go-to for vocals and instrument. On the road small time (sound-man position) the sm58 was THE mike. I have used the c414 for both instrumental (guitar and piano) and vocal I found it more of a studio mike. I have read it is also good for horns. The reason I pointed out the Behringer review is I purchased my Behringer with exactly the same 1 star to five star ratings ratio on the same website as the mixer you are looking at. I currently have a Behringer mixer and would absolutely NOT recommend purchasing their mixers for reliability. (however, when they work, they work great.)

The review with the memory card not working on the r24 (noted in a review as a sadly common problem) was the review that raised a red flag for the R24 for me. Based on what I read, and your desire to use the internal memory, I would choose a different product.

Haven't used a Yeti so can't compare it to an AKG c414.

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