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Where is the dating site for grammarian misanthropes?

Hellas 6 Oct 1

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I don’t know. I’m definitely misanthropic, but I don’t care about idiots’ grammar.


This one may contain some, but perhaps it's time to start such a site !


Is this for people who would love to hate grammar mistakes together?

Yes. Ya know "there," "they're," and "their." Its like, I know I'm an asshole, and autocorrect can mess stuff up, and I don't always have typo-free posts, but there is a difference between "thw" instead of "the," and "there" instead of "their." Or am I just a bitch?

@Hellas No, just a Grammar Nazi lol.

@brentan but I'm so not! Most of the time. But if I have to re-read, for meaning and clarity... You know what? I AM a grammar nazi sometimes. But you know what? I usually let it pass. I do TRY not to be objectionably, obnoxiously persnickety. But sometimes I just want to rub it in someones face that I'm right, and they're wrong. It doesn't make me better than anyone else. On the contrary, it shows I'm worse; I'm petty. But at least Im not unself-aware!

@Hellas Well, nobody's perfect. I mean in that Buddhist way where nothing gets up your nose. Keep up the good work!

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