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Have to agree with HRC and Iran on this one. Wahhabist Saudi Arabia and the free run they get re terrorism illustrates the hypocracy in this war on terror.


powder 8 Oct 1

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Wahhabism started Al-Qaida and ISIS. Visit Iran - Shiite and Saudi Arabia- Sunni. The people are so different. Yes, both have terrible governments and as an American in Iran the government will not be your friend; but the people will. Not the same welcome in Saudi Arabia if you aren't staying in the wealthy places. People there don t like or trust the West. Interesting how we allow our government to control our thoughts on other peoples.
As a matter of course, in the Navy, I studied and spied on the North Koreans. The people are brainwashed, but not too hateful, as they would welcome peace. They are now officially Juche, and not communist. That means a Kim, descended from the Unicorn dynasty must rule. And their leader officially has over 250000 people in slave labor camps; the real number is pushing a million. And now our great leader is in love with their great leader. What a bunch of shit.

@powder good point. Do not call Iranians Arab. Very insulting to them.

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