Those robot dolls are gonna get real cheap sooner or later. They have guys on YOUTUBE with their "robot" sex partners......Jimmy Fallen had one on his show....made in Japan......they are running at about 6 grand a can give them different accents.....they can "get to know you"...."tell you jokes".....geez...wonderful......and now they are saying the women are gonna start buying robotic sex dolls too. It's gonna be the future. Just think of all the men and women running around with their robotic partners!!! It will be amazing!!! And just think of the.......tah dah!! PEACE AND QUIET!!!! It ain't gonna matter if you have a femalie robot or a male robot.......there's only gonna be 2 words programmed into their computer brains: "YES, DEAR!' Now here's what this is leading up to, with this in mind don't you think there is a real chance we were planted here by space aliens???? I mean, come on, the experiment is a little suspect, don't you think? Like, if they are visiting us, checking up on us while they are mutllating all the cows, what are they thinking of their creation? Like what would you think if you went out to a forest and squirrels were making fake squirrels so they don't have to argue anymore?
Give it fifty years and they will be unionised and the SJW will be campaigning for roborights.
Love are probably right!!! They're gonna control our weeners somehow!!!