Just saw the first Disneyworld christmas commercial. When I was a kid, christmas crap didn't start until the day after Thanksgiving. It should STILL be like that.
It's fucking ridiculous how that shit starts earlier every year.
Gotta get pumped for the baby Jesus birthin' early!
Maybe us boys will have a party! We'll invite some girls over, drink some beer, drink lots more beer, pin a girl down on a bed and hold a hand over her mouth and laugh about it when she escapes. Drink more beer. Maybe grab a few other girls by the pussy without their consent. You know, good wholesome Christian boys having locker room fun!
That was sort of the inspiration fo the movie, "The Nightmare Before Christmas".
Yes, I agree. It shoudl not start so early. However as most Americans have less discretionary money each year, they have to start shopping earlier each year. That is the end result of almost 40 years of Trickle Down/Supply Side Economics. The middle class has been slowly sliding down into the ranks of the working poor.