Interesting research, but why is the military doing it?
I do not believe in the weather manipulation goal. HAARP has been boxed up and sent away to a University. HAARP is investigating the Ionosphere in hopes of controlling the upper most atmosphere enabling communications to not be broken up. In the ionosphere wavelengths get interrupted and it is here we open a new area of free communications. The weather control idea, too me, is like the Deep STate idea BS
12 missiles carried externally,and 4 more in the weapons bay on a CSRL (Common Strtegic Rotary Launcher).[]
I worked on a "Black" program at General Dynamics/Convair in San Diego Ca in the 1980-1990's.[]
Probably as a result of "Think Tanks", how to mitigate attacks on our food sources,I.E., if you were an enemy,what would you attack first? Water,Food, Crops?
@powder It may be,Ever here of the HAARP Experiment up in (I believe) Alaska? Beaming immense microwave energy up into the sky,hoping to control weather;