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#fuckAmerica and every single POS in power.

ReadyforaChange 7 Oct 6

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Why are you so kind to the genocidal maniacs running Congress White House Pentagon Betsy deVos & a pediatric brain surgeon in charge of public housing ????


The descent people are pushed out of power for being "too nice." That supports the notion that "Nice guys finish last", but in the end the selfishy shits who replace them will bring the country down in the end.



Fucking's too good for them.


It is such a rude discovery that agnostics and atheists remain so helplessly susceptible to 'betters' telling them what is and isn't true; so fearful of independent, critical evaluation of facts that they faithfully consume interpretations of their political pastors. Political fanaticism and theological fanaticism differ only in how they define their gods and which Judas Goat leaders they blindly follow.

It applies to zealots on the political Right or Left. They are similar to smokers who reject filling empty lungs with smoke only to over-stuff their stomachs. Most "non-believers" I read here have emptied their heads of religious doctrines only to re-stuff them with unexamined political ideologies. Tragic.

Wow, you are a perfect example of WTF is wrong with everything. Thanks bunches for your input, blocking you now. Appreciate the lead.


I seriously cannot understand why we aren't rioting in the streets RN


Trump has accomplished one thing: he's raised the bar on political corruption to the highest level ever and revealed just how much of that corruption can be gotten away with when one is rich and powerful enough. It's also no longer necessary to hide your corruption, you can engage in it openly and with contempt for democracy and there will be no consequences. He'll get away with everything.

Everything. Mark my words.


Y'all gotta chill with this shit.

Yeah, we should just ignore. It's not like it affects us at all.

@TheGreatShadow You know good and damn well that's not what I meant.

#FuckAmerica, really? That's the shit you're comfortable signing off on?

The far right says MAGA, so the far left says ... fuck America? You want to know why they're winning? Hang on ... let me think.

Perhaps because, instead of fighting back, putting forward decent candidates or anything else, the left says fuck this place, let me whine, take my ball, and go home.

This stuff irritates me. Stop acting like my country and the people in power are the same. They aren't. We can do better, but not while fuckstick opinions like this one are allowed the same voice as anything approaching reasonable.

@Xuande They win becuase they have the money and money equals power. This is no different than any fucking country that has ever existed. America is not special. It is and always has been delusional. The Constitution is not worth the parchment it is written on. We are just a country, better than some, worse than others. You don't pick who runs for office. Most of the time you just get to choose between two different assholes. It has never been any different than it is now.

@ProudMary Yeah that's not how forums work. We go back and forth with opinions, it's fun.

@Sticks48 Both parties have literal boatloads of money. The Constitution is one of the most important documents in the western world. America had the first complete written one, and popularized that idea. Regardless of what you think of its contents (and you're wrong there too), it would not be a worthless document. Stop with the nonsense.

Also, no, we don't pick who runs for office. How would that even work? I fully agree, however, that our two-party system is far from perfect and one of the reasons we're in this silly mess. However, what does that have to do with saying #FuckAmerica?

@Xuande The Constitution is only worth anything if you live up to it. We don't and never have come close to living up to those words. Go study some history.

@Sticks48 I'm sorry someone took your ball away. Alright? I didn't want the piece of shit confirmed either. But this level of whining is ridiculous. You and everyone else crying about this, screaming fuck America, you're the problem.

Go home, take a shower, wipe your tears. We have more fights. We aren't gonna win all of them, that's life. On to the next one.

@Xuande It has nothing to do with taking the ball away. Study history. We have never come close to living up to our Constitution. We are just another country. If it weren't for geography, size, and an abundance of natural resources we would likely not have survived this long. Go read a fucking book. Now leave me the fuck alone.

@Sticks48 I don't get where this, "we're just another country stuff" is coming from. Of course we are. What does that have to do with people shitting on it because something happened in it they didn't like?

The Constitution, for all its importance, neither weighs nor measures worth. We lived up to it anyway, however, by using its aid (as well as that of our size, geography and natural resources) in becoming the greatest superpower the world has ever seen.

I've read lots of books, which ones are you referring to? It doesn't really seem like you have an argument so much as you're just mad.

However, I will gladly leave you the fuck alone. Just stop responding to my comments. That simple.

@Xuande Nobody forced you to read this comment asshole. Get on with your life. Blocking your ass now. Bye bye.


We're making America great again! Wait... what?

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