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The Patriarchy is showing itself in America today. Not all men belong to it, and some women do. It's a power structure that devalues women. It's been that way since forever. It's not like we're just figuring it out, more like we're just fucking done.

Tecolote 7 Oct 6

Enjoy being online again!

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The problem is that men created the system. I slightly disagree with musk.


@Tecolote Your opinion is yours and based on yourself.

@x0lineage0x no you are absolutely WRONG. An ever increasing number of us (in my country as well as USA) are questioning the patriarchy.

@Amisja Yet that doesn't mean anything.

@x0lineage0x Just what exactly do you consider to be dumb about the post? You don't think Patriarchy exists? Or that it's not a system? I'm curious as to what you mean by that. One word doesn't do enough to explain your point of view. Using a negative adjective only sets opinions against you automatically without giving you an opportunity to explain what you mean.

@HeraTera Well thanks for the thought.
The light from the sun has caused all of our problems. Let's get rid of the sun and live off the light of the moon.

@x0lineage0x Being cryptic is interesting but won't do much for helping others understand your meaning. If it works for you though no one is complaining. However - in reaction to your sun and moon thought... consider this

@HeraTera Your feigning courtesy is filthy and frayed.
At least my example was my own and is accurate.

@x0lineage0x Okay. Have it your way. just thought humor was a better way of communicating but I guess it isn't for everyone


As much as Obama brought out the racists, trump brings out the misogynists. Except, Obama made racism deplorable and trump makes all things negative appear relatively honorable.

So, many women who have taken their equality for granted are finally taking notice. Let's hope they all make it to the polls next month.


Yes ~

Varn Level 8 Oct 6, 2018
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