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Why Women Don't Report Sexual Assault and Rape;

kmdskit3 8 Oct 6

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. Most p are the victem of sexaul assault feel dirty, ashamed, or just don't want to talk about it. Took me over 20 years for me to talk about it. My parents don't know about it. First person (and only one I know) I told was my sister.

I'm glad you feel comfortable enough to share that here. Take care.

@kmdskit3 I'm over it now. One thing that still confuses me to this day is that I confuse that with affection. I was very young. That's why I wait for my woman to make the first move. I never make the first move.

Thanks for the reply.

@TheGreatShadow Yeah, I have some issues with women and intimacy too. Trying to work on that at the moment. Take care and I'm with you in this struggle. ?


if they processed the thousands of rape kits in backlog they just might


Unfortunately it is true.

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