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My sister, 20 years my elder, and married to am evangelical (he got a divinity degree when he retired from business) won't allow me or her husband to speak religion, only family. This arrangement has mostly worked for years (except when he pissed me off for telling my other sister her mentally disturbed son, who took his own life, was off to hell). Anyway, he told me, in private a couple years ago, that he didn't think Obama was the Anti Christ, but was going to usher in the Anti Christ. I do, so badly, want to remind him of that statement with Trump. What do you all think?

Beowulfsfriend 9 Oct 8

Enjoy being online again!

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His prediction does appear to be prophetic. As for conforming to his limits of topics for speech. I would have never allowed myself to be limited in the content of my speech as he has no authority over my autonomy.


That's an interesting theory. I'd be interested in learning how Obama would pull that one off! Did he ever explain it to you? And was does he perceived the role of evangelicals to have been when they rolled out the carpet for Mr 2 Corinthians?

No explanation. Only an apology of sorts for the kind of man Trump is - not very righteous, understatement. One day I thought I had something religiously oriented that he could accept. I said that I could almost see god in the Fibonacci numbers. To which he started to answer, "No, no, no" then my sister said no more talk of religion and I never found out what was wrong with Fibonacci.

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