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#Trump & State of the Uniom Tonight 9pm Eastern
So, just in case y'all want to lighten the terrible mood tonight,
print this out and get the beer ready 😉

Steve32867 5 Jan 30

Enjoy being online again!

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Many organizations are protesting the State of the Union by boycotting it. I personally cannot stand the sight or sound of this imbecile so I had no intention of watching him spew lies and pontificate. I predict that he will go off script because of lack of control or say things that will divide the nation even further.

I wanted him to go off script too, but he basically didn't. I was bored, mostly. And I know he was just using the people he pointed out, as props.


I love what Trump is doing for this country!

gater Level 7 Jan 30, 2018

...then you love braggarts, bullies, more polluted air and water, more corporate control, more divisiveness, more corruption and political violence...

@Steve32867 you remind me of the bitter Dems that sat on their hands even when Trump talked about great things for all Americans - sad. Your hate is blinding you to the truth.

Mr. Gator, I ask you to do some research into the history and background of the occupant in the WH. Seek your answers with an open mind in order to allow the truth to take affect. This is not about the political arena that has surrounded us but about the future of democracy and the health of the enviornment that we live in. It is also about decency, empathy, and the ability to embrace what is good in humanity. I ask that you seek to understand before you judge.

@sciteachmd Im way ahead of you

@Sciteachmd - there is no reason attempting to teach those who refuse to learn. Just ignore @gater and, for me = I won't allow him to distract from my work to oppose and resist, and to help elect progressives in November. I mean really - how many people in #Trump's admin have to leave under suspicion or wrongdoing, etc, before #gater gets a clue....

@Steve32867 Thanks for the laugh

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