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Anyone else see the bit on Kayne West visiting the White House, and absolutely gushing over "him", in the Oval office, along with going nuts over those trademark damn red hats ? I wanted to puke ...

evergreen 8 Oct 11

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I did the next day. All I could think of was that Kanye was in the midst of a manic episode and is desperately in need of help to take care of his mental health. Those who surround him are exploiting his poor mental health to keep the dollars flowing.


I did not...and am happy with that.... I also do not watch people urinating at the side of the road...or drunks up-chucking....and am happy with that.


A fool entertaining another fool...


Self-aggrandizing Kanye married into the Kardashians.. perfect for him! Why would I spend one second paying any attention to him?


It was really uncomfortable to watch...surprise, surprise considering who was there!!!!!! WTF is up with Kanye West?


It was hilarious


No and I am working hard to avoid seeing or hearing any of it

Xena Level 6 Oct 11, 2018
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