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I am getting very concerned that there will not be a "blue wave" of any kind. I think the zealots are very energized, and the polls have been so off in the past. No one thought that Trump could win, but sure enough, we have the morality bankrupt, intelligence stunted man-child in the Oval Office. Get out and vote people!

FaithInOneself 4 Oct 11

Enjoy being online again!

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Trump's base is literally in the toilet reaching out and ready to flush themselves down. I never understood how someone could vote against their own self interest.

I never understood that.


Before trump was elected, few people knew what he was actually like. They now know, so if he is re-elected, I'm relocating to Venus... Cause men are from Mars...

I'm all for a woman president. The men have been screwing it up far too long. The Dems just propped up the wrong person.


all we can do is vote our conscience and encourage others to do the same. most people have already made up their minds, so it's not about persuading them. it's more about how not to get discouraged by the trolls and bots and the rampant corruption and the environment going to shit...kinda makes you want to give up on voting. my strategy is to ignore the polls and talk to people. i know a lot of people - me included - who tend not to vote in midterms, but they are this year.

I've been avoiding the trolls and bots as much as possible, and the social media platforms they thrive in. The divide is widening even simply by engaging at all. I hate feeling like I'm playing into a social experiment.

@Tampabrew ugh, I hear ya - me too. (ad yet I think it's important to be vocal)

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