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The president made sure he mentioned God in four prominent parts of his speech last night. All Americans are not good fearing, but understand the Bible to be a great work of fiction.

SageDave 7 Jan 31

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I have no idea if Trump really believes in God - however, 75% of Americans claim to be Christian - Trump is no fool, he said what he had to, to get elected.
If he believes in God or not - I really don't care - just fix the economy and build the wall!

gater Level 7 Jan 31, 2018

@msimpson9agn If our superlative-in-chief can be hyperbolic, so can the critics. For instance, the only "everybody" in "everybody is tired of the Russian witch-hunt" are his minority white-supremist hate mongers. Yet he repeats it as if that will make it fact for the rest of the cognitively intelligent Americans. And how are we to get on the same page when your response digresses into name-calling and a superiority complex. Try debate instead of trying to bully. @SageDave


Trump? A Christian? BBBBAAAAHHHHHH
He has told everyone that he has never asked for forgiveness because he has never done anything wrong! True Story! I saw him on a news program saying this.
I think many people are finally seeing through all this religious smoke screen of the right, they are frauds. Working the people over and using the Bible to control the masses, oh wait, they are Christian! hahaha


I have yet to hear that speech but your comment caught my attention for more than one reason. I assume that you meant to type "All Americans are not God fearing" instead of "good fearing", but you go on to state that the same "understand the Bible to be a great work of fiction". Are you not making some ridiculous statements here with "All Americans" and "understand the Bible..." when all Americans don't agree on anything, especially any religion, and being one of the poorest educated nations in the industrial world, we don't "all" understand anything about the Bible to be a great work of fiction, a historical record, or a source of wisdom from which we can better live if not taken too literally. I assume that there is a source for all of the energy that makes up this and every other universe but that source of energy is far beyond the comprehension of any human that has ever evolved on this planet. If we can all somehow get on the same page we might eventually have peace on Earth.

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