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Whoop its friday. Second job for me this weekend but I do at least get all tonight and all day sat to relax. Teaching today...cells and cardiovascular system x2. Then relax...what are your plans? Anyone doing anything nice?

Amisja 8 Oct 12

Enjoy being online again!

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I am on holiday for a week, as from tonight!!! ?
We have rented a little thatched cottage in La Roche Bernard for four days, my true love and me. Walks, reading, long lunches, strolls, more long evening repasts. Oh, and sleeping.?
No phone, no kids. I'll take some photos for you lot. ?

Tilia Level 7 Oct 12, 2018



@Amisja. Side question: first, before I ask. I consider myself fairly well educated and a thinking person, having even had a fair understanding of quantum physics since 82 (have a physicist friend), I have, though, degrees in English and Education, have taught lower math and history, anyway with my run-on sentence, I'll get to my question. I returned to college after a tour in the Navy, as a science major, planning on a degree in cartography, until my, now ex, and certain profs, thought I would make a great English teacher. Enough. My question: Why does any non biology or medical major need to memorize the mitosis and meiosis cycles? Understanding their purpose, I get. As you can see I am not big on rote memory, with some exception to first learning new vocabulary to use. A silly question I know. Don't worry, I won't do what I did to my oldest son's teacher before I moved him to another school and ask for your learning objectives. Lol. Enjoy. I am retired and just went back to PT working with autistic children. Sure you do a great job. Know your work IS appreciated.

Because science is utterly and unbelievably amazing, because you are the product of an exquisite process of meosis and every day our cells are reproduced by mitosis. Our cells know exactly what to do as if by magic and for our entire lives they do that by maintaining something of homeostasis for us. I never ever tire of the intracies of the animal cell. A minute part of a whole all working together to keep us upright. It is wonderful, beautiful and who can't fall head over heels in love with organelles called the 'golgi apparatus' and the 'rough endoplasmic reticulum'...come on, its absolute poetry! 😉

@Amisja love your enthusiasm.

@Beowulfsfriend I am also a complete history buff and love Beowulf, my son and I tried to learn the original old english version. It was weirdly similar to a modern Birmingham accent.

@Beowulfsfriend Enthusiastic and slighty dyslexic...grrr I hate typos

@Amisja there is only one old English copy of the poem tale. Actually there are few original old English writings in existence. Old English is closer to its Germanic roots. Middle English is much closer and I can read it with a cheat sheet of about 40 words (most of which now have opposite meanings). There are a number of modern English translations of Beowulf (modern English dates from around 1450 or so). I have read many; 13 for just one class in grad school. Of course the story is older, and it was first written down by monks and thus includes Pagan parts and infused with Christian religion. A number of the characters are real historical figures like King Hrothgar. Beowulf is an invented and possibly part composit figure from the Geat people. And the translations vary: some implying sexual misconduct by Hrothgar, thus the curse of the monster Grendel, and possibly his offspring to the more sedate translations found in American high school English texts.

@Beowulfsfriend Well from here in UK, it feels real and must never be diffused. It definitely touches on some dark issues.


My new friend is coming over tonight for the weekend. I'll make her a nice dinner tonight. Tomorrow we hike and maybe shoot... Then going to see a live band fairly locally and meet up with friends. Sunday sleep in late as possible. If we get any sleep....

Sounds very romantic


We're just starting a remodelling project on the house and off to a swingers club tonight.


@Amisja Well... You DID ask! HA!

@RiverRick I did. Well...erm...have fun

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