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What did you think of Trump's SOTU speech? What did you think of Joe kennedy's response? As usual I hated Trump and I really loved Kennedy's speech.

LennyP49 5 Jan 31

Enjoy being online again!

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I finally watched the entire diatribe this morning. To be honest, I was optimistic and surprised when Trump was elected, I wanted to see him succeed in 'making America great again' (ok sorry, but that was they way I felt at the time, but that was acceptance not a vote), and decided to give him 'the benefit of the doubt' at first. I quickly realized with Pence, Betsy Devos, Jeff Sessions, a number of court appointees, FCC appointment Pai, that he was doing nothing more than every Republican has done in office- Making a lot of noise, deceiving the general public with exagerated or misleading information, pandering to the theocratic fundamentalist Christian movement and handing the reigns of this country to the big corporations. Last night was a circus, little about the State of the Union (clean coal? Really?) and mostly taking credit for 'economic gains' from company moves that were planned well in advance of the election. Then putting on display a whole gaggle of 'supporters' and first responders. I especially felt bad for the grieving parents of the boy that was arrested and tortured by the NK's , put on display simply to get a 'sympathy' applause. I had to leave before I could hear the opposition response, but will watch that a little later today. I will say this, Trump is no dummy, he knows how to play an audience, which makes him all the more dangerous to our secular way of life. I'm still reeling so this is not my best worded post, but there it is


Loved Trumps speech just like 75% of America - according to a CBS poll.

I thought Kennedy was going to start crying.

gater Level 7 Jan 31, 2018

Kennedy is our hope🙂

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