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Any Game of Thrones fans out there? (Spoilers ahead...) My new roommate has never seen it so I'm rewatching them with her. I think they might be a little brutal for her, but she's holding in there ? It's my third time watching them and it's fun seeing things I still hadn't noticed before. Love the character development, especially of Jaime. We just finished season 2. I got goosebumps when they blew the horn 3 times for Whitewalkers. I like the glimpses we get of The Hound being a decent person in the way he treats Sansa. So many bad decisions and betrayals!
Also, one thing I hadn't noticed before was in the first few episodes, when Bran is in the coma, Cersei is telling Cat she lost her first boy, a black haired boy and my ears perked up, she had one of Robert's babies! Then later when Ned finds Gendry, Robert's bastard, he asks about Gendry's mother and he said she had yellow hair and I was like wuuuut?? Is Cersei is mom?? Apparently there's a theory she is. Cersei decided she didn't want to raise Robert's child, but also couldn't kill him so she kept him close in Flea Bottom. He had a good apprenticeship, and then right before Joffery starts killing all Robert's bastards, Gendry suddenly gets sent away to the Knights Watch. Cersei keeping him safe? This would make him the rightful heir. Interesting.
Also, who do you think is going to kill Cersei? I think it might be Jaime.

Remi 7 Oct 13

Enjoy being online again!

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Yes, I enjoy watching old episodes, in fact, I have all of the seasons on dvd. Can't wait for the final season; wish it didn't have to end!


I like GOT. Main reason is because I like Kilese (or however you spell it). And you get to see her boobs. I also like that little fuck. Never know what he is up to.

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