Thoughts on Brexit?
I believe about half of 30% of the UK voted to leave the EU based on a set of lies. They believed that UK would return to a white chocolate box lid image of rolling hills, thatched cottages and no brown people. They believed that £350 million a day would return to the NHS. They believed they could return to imperial weights (I am 52 and anyone younger than me was never taught imperial measurements). They did not understand the intracies of undoing 40 years of impossible strong ties with the biggest trading area on earth. I have heard it likened to removing all the ingredients in a cake and returning them to their original state. Its going to be impossible. Its going to cause untold damage to the UK and to our Irish brothers and sisters. We didn't get the facts, its a ridiculous idea and we need a second vote.
I believe it will be proved to be the biggest political blunder of the last 7O years....and anticipate it with dread.