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Plea to voters. I'll try to keep this unpartizen as possible. Both parties have crooks, and full notice, I believe the one in federal power is worse. This us, however, aumed at PA voters: please do not vote Wagner for governor. Wolf has done an adequate job and as a business owner proved to be exceptional (sold, then rebought the company after manufacturing was sent to China, and rehired 80% of all his laid off workers: offered to rehire all). Wagner is a crook (caught and fined multiple times. And once said anyone taking aluminum cans from recycling bins at the curb were stealing from him, I didn't think so, that was MY trash until they picked it up and I gave my neighbor permission to get the cans). Mostly though, Wagner has admitted he will enact rules that will benefit him and those like him.

Beowulfsfriend 9 Oct 14

Enjoy being online again!

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