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One of the reasons I'm an atheist concerns the idea of the soul, heaven, and hell. Most religions say that if you do what the god(s) of that religion wants you to do, your soul will end up in some form of heaven, and if you don't, some form of hell. In heaven, you will feel bliss, and in hell, anguish. But here's the thing: pain and pleasure are perceived by the brain, and when you die, the brain dies too. So how exactly will you feel the pleasure of heaven or the pain of hell? Magic? And how will you explain hell to a person with a neurological disorder that prevents them from feeling pain (I don't know the name of the disorder, but I do know it exists)? So does my soul just hang around in either heaven or hell sensing nothing? That's how I concluded that there is no such thing as a soul, which gave me another reason for not believing in God.

Mangoes 5 Oct 22

Enjoy being online again!

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There is no god.

Zorro Level 4 Oct 23, 2017

Convince people they have a soul + the reward of heaven + the fear of hell = control.


It’s a good point. Sam Harris, a neuroscientist and one of the “Four Horsemen of New Atheism,” has made similar points in a discussion about the afterlife. Check it out:

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