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What is it that Betsy Devos really wants? How does she think her fucked up vision of the Department of Education will generate or save Trump any money? What is her real goals? Here in Michigan where we both hail from, we rank last in 3rd grade reading ability. Maybe Mr. Trump should have vetted her better.

MarkF 5 Oct 16

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Her goals as most of her republican cronies is to get richer than they already are and nothing else. They are not interested in educating people because too much eduction makes people use their brains and think for themselves instead of being busy just surviving.

I think Republicans have only one trait I envy. That is their ability to campaign year round. I also don't think everyone believes they are too busy surviving. In 2016 80,000 Michigan voters failed to select a choice for President on the ballot. I wish they would track these people down and notify them they are no longer allowed to vote PERIOD.

@MarkF So, having to work two - three jobs just to survive is not busy for you?

@Jolanta That's plenty busy enough for me.

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