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If there is no God and all of the life force energy in every living thing is what actually makes up the God energy, does that mean God does exist? How do you see it?

ReikiLevel3 4 Oct 19

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I find it unprofitable to muddy the term "god" by using it to label things we have other perfectly adequate words for. Most people understand god as some form of supreme being, as having some sort of legitimate demands or claims on his created beings. That primitive concept is different from some subjective concept of transcendence of the human condition, that which gives rise to awe or a sense of beauty and joy, etc. Sometimes we call this "the divine" and in my view even that is a mistake because god as generally understood is also supposedly divine. We seem hell-bent on creating gods for ourselves, even if they are impersonal or non-interventionist.

I find it better to push back against any innate bias towards personalizing nature or existence, against imposing order on it that isn't demonstrably there -- for the same reasons I find it better as a critical thinker to push back against innate tendency toward confirmation bias, etc. Our minds are sloppy and flawed and we need to recognize those limitations and not indulge them.

This by no means says that I find nothing esthetically pleasing or enjoyable, I just don't try to over-explain or over-categorize it. I don't make pronouncements about things I can't substantiate. There is no "life force energy" that we can construct a falsifiable hypothesis about so it's not worth discussing. There is life, and there are biological and biochemical and electrical processes animating it, and an experience of sentience. Let us not make more of it, though, than we legitimately can at this point in our development and understanding.


Life force? God energy? Huh? Is this real life or like the prologue to a bad fantasy novel?


Life force energy is a dead concept since we discover how to produce amônia from inorganic compounds.
So your sentences have no scientific meaning, so they are beliefs, so there is no point to be made, anything is a believe based on nothing.


We live and enjoy the commonality of the experience with all other living things. Feel free to label that realization any way you wish. Is watching an insect scurry through its surroundings so different than viewing another person? I'm sure both bug and individual are aware of ones interest and react to it in some way. Their reaction may be comforting or self preserving, but I doubt it is divinely inspired in any way, yet energy in some form makes it possible. Our senses are amazing but are only reacting to energy sources that are easily explained.

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