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Where's Rudy????????

Do we need to put his picture on milk cartons, or what?

KKGator 9 Oct 19

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Let him be no loss.


I hope he didn't go into a Saudi consulate.

I'd rather he would, honestly.


I can't believe it took them so long to shut him up. Were they not paying attention?


Pathetic then and abcent now .


I was wondering the same thing. A few comments on the Kavanaugh thing and nothing since. um anyone seen big guys with a bone saw lately?


Milk carton or jack-o-lantern? I think his mug's on loan to pumpkins all over the country, this time of year.


Can't believe how many incompetents Trump has surrounded himself with...makes you wonder how he ever made it to office...its "the blind leading the blind".


What a fool. A lawyer that doesn't know how to lie well. Fail.


Let’s hope he crawled back under the rock from which he came

It's like he goes off to shed his skin, and then comes back to say stupid shit again.
He kind of disappeared after the whole "the truth isn't truth" thing.
Now, the Mueller investigation is being talked about again.
I expect he'll be popping up again soon. Probably right after the mid-terms.


Shhhh, don't say his name, he may come back. He's probably off doing "opposition research" on Avenatti.

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