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Does your partner need to share your beliefs?

I think there is no other way around. What do you think?

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Granateo 4 Oct 23

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I fell in love with a conservative Christian, I am a very left atheist. We have some wonderful discussions but we accept each other as we are.
My (Christian) ex told me "you are better at walking in the footsteps of Christ than most Christians".


Having the same beliefs makes it easier to bond and find other stuff in common. I'll marry a religious fool id I'm very desparete.


In my country Shiaa and Sunni killing each other. I'm Sunni by birth, I married Shiaa girl and she knows well I'm Atheist. Everything is going well.


My partner does share my beliefs. In fact, he hold a more extreme version of the same beliefs. I am an atheist, he is an anti-theist. This is the best relationship I have ever been in and it is what works best for me. YMMV!


If you really love someone and they really love you ,both of you will except each other's beliefs



Not getting a partner...I have a learning disability in relationships.


My wife is a Christian and I am not. But it's doesn't seem to be too much of a problem. We've been married 15 years

I have the same problem as my wife’s a Christain and I’m not. We’ve been married 43 years.


For the 1st time in my life after getting a divorce from my last wife, I refuse to date anybody that has a weird belief in something, different political party, and .... eats meat. Now I know there is a very small percentage of the population here in Houston Texas that are good-looking, Democrat, atheist and vegan all at the same time, and I'm good with that. I am thankful for the internet and then I might possibly find somebody I can hang out with for the rest of my life.


The first wife was from a family that was, as i remember, at least observationally, somewhat reverent. And, as i remember, i only had one real conflict with some cousins about abortion. That was the early '70s.

Current wife is more reasonable than I. Her humor is worth remembering. as i do often.


I believe that people can believe whatever they want as long as it doesn't affect me.

lerlo Level 8 Oct 24, 2018

You may be able to work things out for a little while but I think eventually it will become a point of contention in the relationship and resentment and estrangement will build up and the relationship will start to fall apart.


Eight months ago, I would have answered no. But just today the pairing I was in, collapsed due to differences based in his damn religious, immovable quagmire. Never again.


I think it would be weird to find a religious pwrson here. I don't know many. My partner is an atheist.


Partnership should be vased on more than just beliefs. It helps but not necessarily a must.

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