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Some people have recognized me from my photo from other sites and YouTube and said hello! They sometimes use different names here so I have interacted with them for quite a while without knowing who they were! So If I do know you and haven't shouted out a Howdy let me know! I have decided to change my profile picture for a while as this is the icon I normally use on the web.

DavidLaDeau 8 Oct 24

Enjoy being online again!

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Nice to meet you!


Hi back, Compelled.

You were there and actually saw my first post on the internet. You saw me grow from being scared and timid. You were one of the ones that helped me TO grow. Now only what 3 years later I have a YouTube channel. Thank You. Also a thank you to that fellow who knows who he is!

@DavidLaDeau You have done well, & your topics are right on.

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