Across the nation, capitalists are popping champagne as you toil away. For today, fellow commoner, is Christmas for Capitalists -- a truly special day which signifies the point after which you work for free...until the new year.
You see, the average salaried American worker reports working 49 hours per week. But they’re only paid for 40 of those hours. That’s because overtime protections have been allowed to wither away. This means that you’ve already worked a full year by today, October 25th. So until January 1 2019, you will be paid nothing for your work.
Now, if you like being paid for your work, this holiday may be a bit disappointing. We get it. But who knows? Maybe your pay freedom day is different -- if you work a lot of overtime you likely started working for free weeks ago!
To end this holiday, we will need to restore the overtime pay threshold to its historic levels -- which used to cover 65% of the workforce. That would mean extending overtime rights to all salaried workers making under $69,000 per year.
We must push our representatives to restore overtime. We must be paid for all of our work. We must end Christmas for Capitalists!
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