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Anyone here been keeping up with The New York Times expose on the Trump family and their long history of income tax evasion? No wonder Trump won't release his income tax records! It started with Trump's father trying to avoid paying income taxes and was passed down as a way of life to his children. And of course, it's the working class people who have frequently been the victims of Trump's schemes to avoid paying taxes! Why hasn't the Trump family been investigated and charged with income tax evasion and fraud? We truly live in a plutocracy/oligarchy and not a democracy!

ashley44 7 Oct 25

Enjoy being online again!

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We pay for his and the wealthy tax breaks.


The wealthy crooks overwhelm the IRS with attorneys and motions and appeals and the settle for cents on the dollar. In some cases the statute of limitations has expired.
NY State is investigating, I hear.


It's been two years since Hillary lost. Get over it already.

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