Regarding God's 'Morality': A Few Random Thoughts
*Now do you True Believers mean to tell me that before the multi-thousands upon thousands of God's "Chosen People" camped under the foot of Mount Sinai that they all thought that murder and perjury and theft was absolutely A-OK and that it took those godly stone tablets to make them see the error of their ways? That would be absurd. By the way we are aware that Moses deliberately broke those holy stone tablets, so, as the witticism goes, Moses broke all of God's Commandments in one fell shattering! God was probably NOT amused!
*Those Ten Commandments notwithstanding, human morality has improved by leaps and bounds relative to those bygone days of Biblical lore and yore. Slavery has declined significantly; women's rights (including reproductive rights) have significantly increased; LGBT issues are no longer behind closed doors and something that warrants capital punishment. Why? Because maybe we've collectively wised up to God's so-called 'morality' and we no longer need or even want to get out moral instructions from within the Bible, hence from God. Calling God an agency or agent of morality is a total load of bovine fertilizer which is obvious even to Blind Freddy.
*If something really good happens to you that proves that God is good and just and all-loving and merciful and omnibenevolent. However, if something really bad happens to you, well God works in mysterious ways, ways way beyond your puny understanding and therefore you cannot know the mind of God and know all the ins and outs of God's righteous master plan. But rest assured at no time is God hateful or unjust or does God have it in for you. Do you perhaps detect a slight double standard here? It sort of reminds me of the golden office rule with reads: Rule Number One - the boss is always right. Rule Number Two - when the boss is wrong, refer to Rule Number One.
*North Korea is the most religious country presently on Earth. We all know what a heavenly paradise North Korea is under the divine leadership of their ‘god’, their beloved "Dear Leader". Where else is everybody required to worship therefore their “Dear Leader”? All North Koreans must worship "Dear Leader" - or else! Does this not though in some way remind you of God's First (and foremost of His Ten) Commandment(s) - thou shall worship and put Me, Myself and I (your "Dear Divine Leader" ) first - or else!
*I gather God got a little pissed off at some of His Chosen People for doing naughty things and so wiped away 24,000 of them with the plague (Numbers 25: 9), or maybe it was 23,000 (1 Corinthians 10: 8) – who’s counting? God kills the wicked because God is an intolerant bastard - oops, sorry - a righteous judge. The fact remains, according to the Bible anyway, that God, like the Nazis, has a “final solution” in mind when it comes to dealing with some undesirable elements within His realm.
*Speaking of being pissed off, how's this for an illustration of God's morality. If you check out Deuteronomy 23: 2-3, you'll note that if you're a "bastard", an Ammonite or a Moabite, you are banned from entering the congregation of the Lord, which is one thing I guess, but that ban also pertains to the next ten generations of those so named that they procreate. So you and your descendants, ten generations on down the track, are equally as guilty. But I gather if you're of the eleventh generation, well that's okay. You are free to join God's congregation.
*The theological question of why God allows natural evil (i.e. - diseases, natural disasters, etc.) is two-fold. God allows natural evil because God Himself is totally evil. There is no one who reads the Old Testament who can doubt this observation for even a moment / a split second, even if moral values are subjective and not objective. Further to the point, if God created life, the Universe and everything, then God created natural evils too, so why should God prevent what He Himself has created? Actually the whole God / evil dilemma or paradox is easily resolved with just one premise: there is no God. God does not exist apart from just being an entity that resides within the human imagine.
*One cannot condemn the Nazi Holocaust without also condemning God's equivalent actions. Like Hitler, God too had His Chosen People and those who were not of His Chosen People could, in Dalek-speak, have a sentence passed along the lines of "Exterminate!, Exterminate!, Exterminate!"
*If God is all-loving, all-just, all-merciful, all-benevolent and therefore God can only do good, then clearly any suffering in the world, animal or human, must be all for the good in the mind of God since He does nothing to change the status quo. Of course the real answer is that God is not all-loving, all-just, all-merciful, and all-benevolent as even a cursory reading of the Old Testament will reveal.
*Pope Benadict XVI as reported on 15 September 2006 in response to Islamic jihads noted that violence is contrary to God's nature and to reason. Conclusion: therefore the Pope has never ever even read the Bible!
*God is the ultimate source of all morality, so you should do as God does and as God commands which is kill, Kill, KILL! You need to kill disobedient children, witches, gay men, Sabbath workers, adulterers, fortune tellers, non-virgin brides, and a host of others. Despite God's commandment "thou shall not kill", God kills just about all the men and (innocent) women in Sodom & Gomorrah, all of the firstborn in ancient Egypt (plus equivalent livestock), and a host of others. Even if God doesn't kill Himself, God relishes when others kill in his name.
One of the big things that opened my eyes to the problem with my religious beliefs was that people would believe in someone/something as long as it was far away and long ago but condemn it if it were here and now. They would have locked anyone up who thought God wanted them to kill their own son but they still believed God told Abraham to kill his son. The comparisons between the Nazis and the Old Testament are apt. People will talk at length about why it was okay for God to order the execution of whole nations but if you tried to justify the Holocaust to them, they would be horrified.
@johnprytz It's hard and yet I've witnessed mental gymnastics that defy all reason. They still manage to do it.
Does Anyone on here consider their time well spent reading his? Jews: hundreds, hundreds of thousands, none at all... WGAF?
Time-sucking troll alert!
Were we reading the same thing? I really enjoyed it.