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Of the many bad things Religion has created the worst is the thwarting of contraception and the advocacy of birth control. This dogma and teaching is the major threat to the continuation of the human species. Can we consolidate together to combat this teaching and promote both birth control and women's autonomy? Can we even agree to hold an open forum to discuss this issue?

hwgoldson 2 Oct 26

Enjoy being online again!

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At first I thought you were claiming contraception is a bad thing. On second reading, you're decrying the "thwarting of" contraception and of birth control.

I agree with you that the notion that procreation is not automatically good, or that it's generally engaged in with mindfulness and respect for the life being created. Contraception simply provides options, it's not imposed on anyone.


Can we get an amen. Excellent point. All about control and growing the religion. And, back to control, most religion is male dominated and doing as you point out controls women.

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