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Does anyone else get a little creeped out when you see you have a new "Follower", but upon checking out their profile you observe that he (or she) is the absolute antithesis of anything you'd ever want in a mate or friend? For example, my followers tend be Alt Righters and Believers. My profile is fairly comprehensive, so what is their deal? Are they just super dense or is it something else? Also, is blocking the only way to shake them?

(edit: I am talking about followers that never message me. They just follow.)

I'm not sure which category to post this under, so I put it here.

Maiasaura 7 Oct 26

Enjoy being online again!

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28 comments (26 - 28)

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Maybe they're going to try and "save" you and all of the people that they follow. Sounds logical right... ???


It might be, if they continually do it (hover, I mean).


Yes and to see someone has "hovered" really creeps me out!

Just as an fyi, and hopefully to help you feel less "creeped out", there are times when I accidentally 'hover' over someone's bio without meaning to.
When I'm on the laptop, there are many times when I unintentionally try to click on something else and find myself starting at someone's mini-profile.

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