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I have but one reason to be anywhere on the net.
I am not clever or wise so I don't have much to offer in those departments.
I am not a particularly good conversationalist.
Most of my posts come out stereo typical of a white male senior citizen who is content in life and circumstance.
The reason I am here is but to Share my quirky little stories that I post on several sites and on occasion here. 99% of my stories are free but I do have a couple for sale traditionally publish.
I think of myself as a fairly adept yarn-spinner and the 100k + people who have read my tales appear to agree.
Thanks for reading this and understanding and I hope sometime along the line if you read any of my stories you are rewarded with good entertainment.

DonaldHRoberts 7 Oct 30

Enjoy being online again!

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I think that you are underestimating yourself way too much.

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