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This issue with Dodge City having one voting location, which isn't even near the city is outright suppression. One location for 13,000 voters and not easily accessible? Gee, a place that has mostly Democrats is hard to get to and can't service the number of voters. Which Party would pull this shit?

DaveRohbock 5 Oct 31

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You got itThat’s why they fought like ..dogs to keep pure Vote By Mail from passing in Oregon. They lost - now Oregon’s Deep Blue! - their greatest fear.

Out West (where I was), the state’s allow for voter initiatives or referendums or ‘ballot measures,’ those allow The People to place ideas, even State Constitutional Amendments on the ballot.

Where I’m at now (over East), it’s up to the state legislatures… which keeps them far behind the times. That’s why California, Oregon and Washington have been so far ahead with pollution controls, bottle refunds, legalized pot, assisted suicide, land use zoning and vote-by-mail … to name a few..

Vote by mail: get your ballot and voter’s pamphlet 3 weeks before election day, study the issues and candidates, mark your ballot, sign - and drop into a ‘free’ voting box in any Oregon town, or add a couple of stamps… Messing around at ‘a voting precinct’ on a cold dark rainy Tuesday evening feels like caveman stuff, to me 😕

Varn Level 8 Oct 31, 2018

This MUST be illegal....


Oh, could it be the one that is in power?

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