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Many of us accept death without all the mysticism or even fear. But me, I LOVE life. I can go on for days about the things that move me, from the minutea to the cosmic and on and on. I'm a poet at heart, with a passion for science and an obsession to find clues that lead us to the Why of things ...I'm not afraid of death but the thought of all this good shit coming to an end and THEN going on without me, perhaps leading everyone else to a higher and more enlightened mode of existence...or even failing that, it's the STRUGGLE and the PERSERVERANCE that I want to continue to be a part of.
Anyway, does anyone else get that anxiety when they look mortality in the eye and understand we aren't here for long and we're going to miss out on more magnificent stuff???

HectorSaavedra 4 Oct 31

Enjoy being online again!

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I used to a bit, but don't anymore. I have learned that it's okay to admit I'm a mere mortal. I find my mortality comforting as it means everything is finite and has an endpoint. Since life is full of conflict and suffering, it's nice to know that I'm not condemned to experience that forever. Of course the inverse is also true; I won't always have the beings and experiences in life that I treasure. However, they're all the more precious and I have all the more motivation to not take them for granted, exactly because of that. I'd rather have a finite time to enjoy them, than an infinite time to take them for granted.


I definitely do. I don't want to miss things because of something as stupid as dying.



skado Level 9 Nov 1, 2018
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