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Went to a VERY religious charity event tonight. Nobody tried to convert me..just good intentioned people raising awareness and money for community causes they genuinely care about. Was a great evening.

Motharatwins 5 Nov 1

Enjoy being online again!

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Good intentioned is more secular than anything else. In reality, it was probably just people trying to stay out of hell.

@Jurnee - Nonsense - that's a broad and unfair generalization. There are a ton of people of faith that do good because it's the right thing to do. They care about their community and their neighbors. They also involve their children as it's an opportunity to teach them that giving without the expectation of receiving is the best gift of all. No offense, but you have a narrow-minded perspective.


I do so love reading posts like this!


Oh, you, you....traitor you!

You must be very careful with the ones who don't try to convert you. They're the most dangerous!

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