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I will be so glad when this election is over I'm so tired of political ads from both sides I'm sick, that said vote Democrat go big blue

Frh1gh52 6 Nov 1

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Yeah. I am tired of it also. I already voted.

So that in future elections you don't get so overwhelmed. we dont' watch regular TV but just streaming services that have no commercials. When we registered to vote, we don't give our phone number(s), so we dont' get constant robocalls during election seasons. We also just put all political mailers directly into recycling.

If we need to find something out concerning the election we turn to offical electin information or research via the itnernet. In WA we all vote by mail, so we hve time to research candidates or ballot issues before we have to decide.


The upside to the election is the political ads and email go away. The downside, McConnell and Ryan have a couple of months left to cause more damage. Trump is there, for two more years (barf), and he will begin campaigning (and wasting our money in the process) even harder if he loses control of Congress. Fake news will be there, still, even more emboldened, win or lose. Trump and minions and his propaganda machine will work harder to discredit and remove Mueller. We will continue to lose our position and impact within the world order.

As much as we may want to relax, we cannot. This is a war, a revolution, to take back our country from Trump and the extreme right. And, we cannot allow the extreme left to distract from this effort. While they offer good ideas and energy, if they become disenchanted, they will draw votes away from beating Trump.

If we stop fighting to protect our country from bigotry and autocratic forces and kleptocracy, we will lose in 2020.

Now it never goes away there is no end to the cycle to much big ?

@Frh1gh52 It will take time to fix the damage that has been done. How long depends on what happens Nov. 6 and in 2020. If Republicans maintain control of Congress, Democrats, if/when they gain control, will have to undo the damage done to date plus 26 more months. Plus, a second term (if Republicans maintain control, it will be very difficult to unseat him in a second election).

Realistically, if the Democrats win one or both Houses of Congress, the best they will be able to do is block any damaging legislation started by Trump or Congressional Republicans, investigate and, potentially, impeach Trump and cabinet members for cause and block judicial appointments (that requires 67% control of both Houses). To undo the damage, and pass Democrat-initiated legislation, they will have to have veto proof majorities in both Houses (again 67%). That is not likely to happen. Trump will veto everything he can.

And, successfully impeaching Trump will leave us with Pence. He is, in a way, more dangerous because he is competent in comparison to Trump. And, if he is President, he has a chance to keep Trump’s base together, making him a formidable but beatable opponent in 2020. It gets worse, if Pence is also impeached, Ryan is next up. After him, Orin Hatch; the Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo; etc. it goes downhill quickly with the Trump cabinet.

So, the most likely timeframe to undo the Trump damage is this: it can’t possibly begin in less than two years and will likely take an additional two plus years to fix each year of damage Republicans have caused since 2016. Remember, Congress will have to conduct normal business as well as the legislation fixing damage. And for that to happen, they need to win in 2020 and obtain control of Congress as well.

In terms of rules and regulations Trump’s cabinet has undone or initiated, it will take time to write, get comments, and publish. Plus, all that will face conservative challenges in federal courts seeded by Trump-friendly federal judges.

On top of that, the rolls of experienced federal employees have significantly shrunk because of Trump and his cabinet’s actions. It will take time to rebuild that lost expertise. And, then there is a lot to do to undo the damage caused to our international relations etc., rebuild pride and consensus in our country, etc.

Fixing the damage of the last two years is a massive task.

And, one of the most difficult fixes will be to fix the mess that is our current tax structure, thanks to the selfish actions of Trump and the Republican Congress. Big business is going to fight and fight hard.


Oh no, it's too late. I voted by mail a while ago and voted for almost all Republicans. Oops...

If you live with that ok I see my country going down the tubes just like Germany in 1930s


You may be sick of it and I don't blame you, but you get what you deserve and I mean it in the nicest way.


I feel the same way. Tired of political ads, breathless speculation, conflicting polls, Republican lies, and the barrage of emails from candidates.

The day after I received my ballot, I mailed it and voted BLUE.


I mailed mine bout two weeks ago straight d's the day after I got it

Voted early and blue.


The lies in the ads seem particularly bad this year.

It gets worse every cycle now

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