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He's back and sorry right wing , it is as good as it was before. After what you did to all his great work, no way you are going to get us to choke another opportunity to say VOTE

EMC2 8 Nov 2

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For those that wish to run our nation down, I am sorry for your thoughts. We have issues but never have we fell into authoritarian government. As we watch the right wing deter voting, purge minorities, and eliminate the native Americans from voting, it is suggested you learn more about the progressive movement.
We are focused on making the USA a better place and to run it down just does not compute in my book.
No one is attacking you for not liking our nation, it is supporting people such as Trump that is just down right wrong for our success. Please reconsider what you truly want

EMC2 Level 8 Nov 3, 2018
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