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Coming out as an atheist in the Philippines is almost
unheard of. Filipinos are very religious people, but it
bothers me that most people think that having no
religion means I worship the devil or I'm just going
through a bad time in my life.
Having no religion is an option. I respect other
people's belief, but why can't they respect mine?
It's very frustrating,Living here in Mindanao Philippines is a death sentence for me as an Atheist.

Marcus_Angelus 6 Feb 6

Enjoy being online again!

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I was on the ferry between Davao and Samal island. Being an American in the Philippines attracts attention and curiosity. A man approached me and asked which church I attended (turns out he was a minister) I told him I was an Atheist and he turned away in disgust He had no clue what it meant to be an atheist. When someone shuns you for being an atheist just know that it's based on ignorance.


I have been dating since my divorce and I must admit most men are turned off my non religious view. I am okay with their beliefs but they are not okay with mine. NEXT!!


Try to get a degree, IT should allow you to migrate. If not, it will put you in a more tolerable environment


It's heartbreaking. You have us. If the safest thing to do for you is to keep your non belief to yourself, so be it. Have you ever thought of emigrating?

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