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Religion for some is a kind of addiction. They start with normal prayers, church going etc., later they find that they are not getting "high" on faith from the current church, they move on to another chutch/ministry with a more radical/fanatical view, moving onwards, from one religious high to another.

Have you met anyone with a faith as an addiction disorder? I have, actually I lived with one for 16 years.

Sensible1 4 Nov 2

Enjoy being online again!

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Church shopping is very common. They realize that there is no real god to be found so they go from one to another. There is a very important question to be asked here. Are they looking for a church or God that suits them or really trying to find god. I just made a video on the subject.


Felt like ‘I met’ what you’ve described a couple years ago. An interesting fellow, with common ‘gardening’ interests, though it appeared he was on a life-long mission to, not only ‘punish’ his progressive parents (both professors at the state's largest university), but to join the most radical church in the vicinity..

Having palled around with him some, he’d described ‘testing’’ various churches, searching for what matched his growing (fanaticism) ‘beliefs.’ After trump was elected, and he glowed with pride.. I’ve not contacted him. So he’s likely wallowing in religion … while I’m neck-deep around here 😉

Varn Level 8 Nov 3, 2018
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