Does anyone have tips for how to deal with the suck of being single? I don't want to start a pity party, although there's for sure a time and place for those, but I'm a few months outside of a breakup and a couple of years past a divorce, and I really, really miss human companionship (don't tell my dogs). I live in the south where being a super liberal, super committed atheist, bi girl with a history doesn't exactly buy you a fan club. App dating is lame and my social circle is small. Halp?!
Think about what you love doing (besides that ...), and go do it ! Find something you're passionate about, and indulge . Grow yourself.. Learn new stuff. Volunteer. Take yourself out. Join a gym - lots of nice bodies to look at ! Take your dogs to a dog park - other humans and animals.
I'm in the South too, don't let it suppress you !
Two things I can help you with.... 1) won't tell your dogs even if they hack your account and most importantly 2) wish you the best of luck !!!!
Thank you!
@fubsters50 No problem !!!
Jville is a big city. It will have a big enclave of like minded people. They will be active doing ups, the gym, etc.
Oh, husband walked after 33 years, and after a rough year, I am happier than I have Ever been in my entire 70 years! I couldn't even imagine that life could be this wonderful! Alone, not lonely...there is a Huge difference!
That's what I'm aiming for! ?
I found Meetup was a marvelous way to be around people, not with any expectations, just a place for instant friends. It was exactly what I needed at that time.
As an extreme extrovert, I feel you. I find chasing my friends around like a puppy demanding attention helps a bit. I also have a public facing job, which helps. I have a kid at home, too, which is good, but sometimes you want a grown up.
It's funny that you mention public facing and puppies, I work at the front desk of the city animal shelter. Lol. I usually need my downtime since I am definitely NOT an extrovert. I totally agree that sometimes you want a grown-up.