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Right-Wing Christians Bucket the Girl Scouts

You’d think that the Girl Scouts and the Girl Scouts Organization would be one group safe from the crosshairs of the loony tunes Christian right-wing. No such luck as the following headlines culled from stories on the “Right Wing Watch” website reveal.

*Girl Scouts Ensnared in the Right’s Hatred of Planned Parenthood. (Posted 18 March 2010)

*Wendy Wright’s New Job: Stopping the Girl Scouts’ “Radical, Feminist, Pro-Abortion” Agenda. (Posted 24 August 2011)

*Family Research Council Launches Boycott of Girl Scout Cookies. (Posted 24 January 2012)

*Planned Parenthood did not Teach Girl Scouts how to Lead Happy Sex Lives while Living with HIV. (Posted 3 February 2012)

*Family Research Council Prays Against Girl Scout Cookies. (Posted 8 February 2012)

*Family Research Council Warns that ‘Radical’ Girl Scouts are out to ‘Get Our Kids’. (Posted 9 May 2012)

*[Linda] Harvey Denounces Girl Scouts for Supporting ‘Homosexual Lifestyles’ and ‘Suspicion Toward Males’. (Posted 12 March 2013)

*Kevin Swanson Begs You Not To Buy Communist Lesbian Girl Scout Cookies. (Posted 21 October 2013)

*FRC [Family Research Council]: Girl Scouts ‘Encourage Promiscuity’ & Engage In ‘Child Abuse’. (Posted 13 January 2014)

*Right Boycotting Girl Scout Cookies over Yoga, Climate Change, ‘Lesbian Role Models’. (Posted 4 February 2014)

*WND [WorldNetDaily’s Jane Chastain]: Girl Scouts Promote Prostitution. (Posted 13 February 2014)

*Anti-Boycott Crusader Todd Starnes Endorses Girl Scout Cookies Boycott. (Posted 20 February 2014)

*Beware Lesbian Abortion Cookies! The Worst Conservative Attacks on the Girl Scouts. (Posted 2 March 2015)

*Kevin Swanson: Girl Scouts Turn Girls into Lesbians and ‘I Don’t Want My Little Girl Turning Into a Lesbian’. (Posted 4 March 2015)

*Penny Nance: Girl Scout Transgender Policy a ‘Slap in the Face to Christian Parents’. (Posted 14 May 2015)

*Right-Wing Radio Host [Sam Malone]: Don’t Buy Girl Scout Cookies since the ‘Freaks’ ‘Pimp Abortion and Gender Identity Garbage’. (Posted 14 May 2015)

*Anti-LGBT Groups: Girls Scouts Running A ‘Dangerous’ ‘Social Engineering Experiment On Children’. (Posted 15 May 2015)

*Michael Savage: Girl Scouts Led By the ‘Perverted’ ‘Vermin on the Left’. (Posted 18 May 2015)

*Columnist [Jennifer LeClaire]: Satan Pushing Transgender Inclusion in Girl Scouts, Hollywood. (Posted 28 May 2015)

*Franklin Graham Boycotts Girl Scouts Cookies as Part of Anti-LGBT Crusade. (Posted 1 March 2016)

*[Ted] Cruz-Aligned Pastor [Kevin Swanson]: Execute Girl Scout Leaders For ‘Promoting Homosexuality’. (Posted 14 March 2016)

Personal Note: I trust that all rational people enjoy buying, consuming and enjoying their Girl Scout cookies! I understand that to be an American institution! The Girl Scouts sounds like a worthy cause to me.

johnprytz 7 Nov 3

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