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So Iā€™m waiting to get my haircut. The lady who runs the place always plays christian music. However, I like the way she cuts my hair. Sacrifices must be made in life! šŸ˜‚

ballou 8 Nov 3

Enjoy being online again!

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Mine always has Fox news on the telly


Anything for a good cut! Music, bible readings, taking communion. As long as my hair looks good! šŸ™‚

There you go! You get it! lol

@balou totally! Fox news can be on, they can pray, whatever they want as long as I look good when I get out of the chair!

@GreatNani you always look good! šŸ™‚

@balou Are you sweet talking me? šŸ™‚

@GreatNani of course! ?


I'll love jebus to look fly

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