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Is it just me or is there an inverse relationship between how much someone talks and how loudly and intelligence? I swear the dumber the person, the more they talk and at louder volume.

OpposingOpposum 9 Nov 4

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I don't think it's an absolute correlation. Please note, however, that a friend observed once that the blowhard Yosemite Sam never seems to land his quarry, but the comparatively taciturn Elmer Fudd does on occasion.


It does often feel that way but i tend to think of it as more of an attention grabing trait. Loud people tend to be listend to in social situations because they talk over the ideas of others.. it doesnt mean that they HAVE to be dumb as well but if everybody pays attention to you just for being loud it does allow the person to feel as if they do not have to be intelligent to get attention. At least thats how it seems from my perspective.


It's just you.

I have a big voice and I refuse to stifle it unless I'm in a library or something similar. It took me decades to own the fact that my voice is always going to be big because I was born with a hearing deficit. Furthermore, I like words and I like using them. I resent the implication that just because I'm not 'quiet' that I'm somehow mentally deficient. I will remain voluble at whatever volume I choose.


I don't believe there is a connection. I have known loud smart people and quiet people who weren't so bright.


Ummm, some of us are simply hard of hearing, it makes you talk louder as you cannot hear yourself.
Also please do not ASSume someone has dementia if they give an off-topic answer...also maybe deaf.

Thank you. Seriously, I am so sick of people making assumptions about me. I'm hard of hearing, not stupid.

@memorylikeasieve I got excellent quality hearing aids, with free testing & warranty, for "only" $1800 at Costco vs. $4500 at hearing aid places like Beltone. And the people do not work on commission so you can trust their recommendations! They even included a little device to adjust input for conditions like restaurants, that i Adore, and Beltone would have charged over $200 more for (!!!!!!!)
Just call first, not all Costcos have hearing centers, and you will need an will also have to join Costco for $50...but then you get 1% or 2% back of what you spend at the end of the year, so it kind of evens that cost out.


Update😀efinitely me. I want to punch everyone who speaks in my hearing range today.


It's just more obvious when loud people are dumb.
I know some pretty vile quiet people. Know some loud people who are really quite intelligent, just embarrasingly loud.


I think that passions and insecurities play a large part in this phenomenon. (Also, communication tools like really listening, may need to be learned)

I couldn’t agree more. I can get loud when I am passionate and or excited about something and sometimes my insecurities kick in and I could certainly improve my listening skills.


I must be pretty dumb then lol


I have found this to be true.

1’s not you ~

Varn Level 8 Nov 4, 2018

It seems that way sometimes, but I don't know that it's accurate, leaving out the question of volume. I know of geniuses who spoke slowly and very little, and of geniuses who would speak very rapidly and often.


Also, the ignorant seem to be the most confident that they are right.


I might be in trouble.

JimG Level 8 Nov 4, 2018

It sure seems that way sometimes! Maybe those people just need a stage!

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